Rosensteiner Verkaufskatalog.

Rosensteiner: From print to digital - modular sales manual

About the project

Hard Facts

Digital transformation in the print sector

Digitization is not bypassing the classic print product. Thanks to clearly structured elements, the print model can be quickly and easily transformed into a digital product.

Modular basic layout

Recurring elements and a structured layout are advantageous for employees, the target group and automated adaptation to the digital space.

Interactive operation

The interactive links provide more information and support the target group in finding their way around the product catalog.

Adaptable and sustainable

Sustainable design that continuously saves resources and thus frees up time for new things.


Rosensteiner is one of the most important companies in the field of hoof trimming crushes and versatile transport equipment - the Rosensteiner three-point linkage - and this far beyond the borders. This success is driven by extensive development activities in cooperation with international scientists and specialists. Since its foundation in 1982, the company has been the market leader for hoof trimming crushes in German-speaking countries, a comprehensive sales network throughout Europe and Russia, and a leading innovator in animal care.

The strong focus on unique product and service options explains the multiple award-winning product design and shapes the company's image into a traditional but also thoroughly modern overall picture. Over decades, Rosensteiner has built up its network with recognized institutes and medical professionals and has thus made a name for itself in the business areas of hoof care and transport.

The Client

We solved

The classic sales catalog. An updated copy is published every year with new products, prices, etc. The classic print catalog in typical book form is an option here, but nevertheless requires a great deal of resources. Even if the end product is not printed but sent out digitally as a PDF, thus saving printing costs, the time required should still not be underestimated. The structure of the sales catalog also plays a decisive role. This is because a high degree of individualization naturally goes hand in hand with even greater time resources. Added to this is the fact that the price list has to be incorporated into the sales book in different models and languages.

For Rosensteiner, it was therefore time to find a new solution for this marketing material that would save resources without compromising on flexibility, customization and maintainability.

The Problem

We provided

Print is not rigid and certainly not one-sided. We have shown this in this project. That's why we worked with Rosensteiner to transform the classic print product into a digital solution in order to save time and effort on the one hand and to bring more structure and modernity to the model on the other.

Using modular basic layouts, we have created a clear scheme that is advantageous both for the target group and for automated adaptation. The different pages and categories are thus characterized by a web-friendly design, creating an interactive solution that works both in print and in the digital space.

Company hallmarks such as making work easier and trendsetting design and functionality also play a role in the structure of the rest of the product line. In three languages and different versions, the Rosensteiner book collects the company's products, structures the categories and embeds the design into a consistent end result.

The Solution

Challenges we solved

Digitization of classic print products

The classic print version of a sales catalog served as the basis for a modernized product version that works perfectly both for print and for automated adaptation in the digital space.

Interactivity and multi-channel solution

By integrating several interactive elements, we were able to further strengthen the link between print and digital. This multi-channel solution allows elements in the manual to be redirected to the company website, where additional added value is provided for the specific products.

Modernizing the brand identity

The visual corporate identity is one of the most important corporate resources. With this in mind, we modernized the corporate design of the Rosensteiner book. The clean, modern design, which is nevertheless consistent with the company's core values, results in an appealing and uniform-looking end product.

Sustainability and maintainability

Thanks to the recurring structure of the module layout, almost all elements in the sales catalog are recurring. This is not only a great advantage for the target group when it comes to finding their way around, but is also ideal for ongoing adaptation by employees.

Customizability and variant creation

Thanks to the modular structure and the opportunity for digitalization, individualizations and variants can be created quickly and easily. This means that different models and languages can be incorporated into the sales book at any time.

Rosensteiner Cover Page.Rosensteiner Tablet Design.
Rosensteiner Overview Design.Rosensteiner Tablet Manual.

From our client


Portrait - Rosensteiner Andreas.When working with Werbeberg on our Rosensteiner book and beyond, we were particularly impressed by the combination of fresh ideas and innovative approaches with highly professional implementation. You can coordinate things quickly and easily and also change them from time to time, but you always have the feeling that the project is running within a clear structure.

Rosensteiner GmbH - CEO

Andreas Rosensteiner

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