Digitalisierung_Artikel 2


10 tips for digitalisation

In order to remain relevant and grow as a company in a digitalised society, it is essential to digitalise and automate processes in the workflow. Roughly 7 out of 10 companies consider data protection requirements to be the biggest challenge when implementing digitalisation. Other challenges include the lack of specialists and the high demands of technological security. Do these problems sound familiar to you? Then the following tips will help you with the digitalisation of your company.

1. A well-organised data management system

Digitalisation generates a lot of data, so it is essential to store it in a structured and organised way. A clear and logical system makes it easier to find the data you are looking for.

2. Regular employee training

Everyone has to learn new processes first. As technology continues to advance, work processes change, which is why it is important to organise regular training sessions to provide employees with support and ensure that no one falls behind.

3. Define the goals

Define which processes and workflows are to be digitalised. It is important to decide which processes will benefit most from automation in order to make working methods more efficient. This is then used to work on a strategy according to which digitalisation is implemented.

4. Finding the right software

The proof of the pudding is in the eating. By trying out different programmes, you can find out which software meets your requirements and preferences.

5. Optimise existing workflows

If a system is already in place, this is a good starting point for further digitalisation. The existing software applications usually offer APIs to expand them or automate processes. This allows employees' previous experience to be applied and expanded in order to utilise the full potential of the existing applications. As a result, costs can be reduced by using and expanding or optimising what already exists.

6. Security and data backup

Digitalisation means that data protection is more important than ever. Secure data transmission is essential and proper password protection must be ensured.

7. Step-by-step integration

Humans are creatures of habit and are slow to adapt to changes. Gradual integration allows employees to slowly get used to the new workflows and accept them. Making changes too quickly leads to overwhelm and can have negative effects.

8. Pay attention to the needs of your employees

Listen to feedback from your employees. They are best placed to judge whether the changes are having a positive impact or whether recurring problems are making work more difficult than before.

9. Communicate changes

Changes must be communicated clearly so employees are not surprised when they come into effect. This prevents people from not finding their way around and stumbling aimlessly through the programmes.

10. Get experts on board

Not everything can be solved in-house. Some problems require specialists who have the necessary knowledge and experience. Agencies have experienced specialists who can support you in the digitalisation of your company.

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