
What are spot colors?

In print, as in the last article the CMYK color space is used. This involves four colors - Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key (Schwarz).
In addition, however, so-called Spot colors can be used.

In contrast to the usual quadruple printing, spot colors are not created by superimposing cyan, magenta, yellow and key (black), but are actually own printing inks.
There are various manufacturers of these special colors, but the best known is the "Pantone". This brand created its own color system in 1963, which defines and identifies a wide variety of color nuances that can be matched and exchanged worldwide. Another special feature of these colors is that they appear purer and stronger than CMYK colors.

The colors are presented in separate ring binders and color fans, which can be purchased from the manufacturer. As the effect of colors can vary on different types of paper, these fans are available in different versions. For example for coated papers (coated) or for uncoated papers (uncoated). Thanks to these color fans, it is guaranteed that the selected colors always look the same in print.

Pantone colors are particularly popular in company logos because, as already mentioned, the Pantone color guarantees that the selected color will always look the same, no matter where it is printed.
Neon colors or colors with a metallic look can also be reproduced, which is not possible with CMYK.

HKS - Hostmann-Steinberg printing inks, Kast + Ehinger Druckfarben and H. Schmincke & Co.
These spot colors are mainly used in Germany, in contrast to Pantone, which is used worldwide.
There are also different subdivisions of HKS:

  • K - art paper (coated),

  • N - uncoated paper (uncoated),

  • Z - newsprint and

  • E - continuous paper

RAL - Reichs-Acommittee for Ldelivery conditions
These colors are mainly used in the metal industry for paintwork or vehicle lettering. The RAL colors are paint colors, which are also subdivided into:

  • RAL 841 GL - colors with a glossy surface and

  • RAL 840 HR - colors with a matt surface

The special colors also include the scratch-off colors of PIN allocations, gold, silver and metal colors, as well as neon colors.

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