Film und Animation

Spectacular shots - everything you need to know about drones

There are many technical, safety-related and legal requirements to be observed when flying drones, whether privately or commercially. This article provides an overview of the most important ones.

Drones are basically divided into 3 categories, for which different rules apply:

  • Open category

Low risk, therefore no permit required.

A drone generally falls under the "Open" category if it has a take-off weight of less than 25 kg and with direct line of sight is operated in direct line of sight. Flights up to 120 meters altitude are permitted, and the distance to bystanders is also clearly regulated.

Within the Open category there are, depending on weight 3 sub-categorieswhich determine the permitted distance to people or crowds. Different minimum distances to bystanders apply and require proof of competence for the operator.

  • A1 - Close to people

Flights over uninvolved persons should be avoided, but are not prohibited

This includes class C1 (max. 900g) and C0 (max. 250g) drones and drones without CE classification up to 500g

Requirements for pilots: Online registration, small drone license

All drones that fall under this category are therefore permit-free. However, you must register with every drone.

  • A2 - Safe distance to uninvolved persons

Minimum distance of 30 meters to uninvolved persons for drones with CE classification

Minimum distance of 50 meters to uninvolved persons without CE classification

This includes class C2 drones (max. 4kg) and drones without CE classification up to 2kg

Requirements for pilots: As for A1, plus large drone license

  • A3 - Far away from uninvolved persons

Minimum distance of 150 meters from residential, commercial, industrial or recreational areas

No uninvolved persons in the planned flight area

This includes class C3 and C4 drones and drones without CE classification up to 25 kg

Requirements for pilots: As for A1

  • Category Specific

Increased risk, authorization by national authorities

If one of the requirements of the Open category is not met, the flight falls into the Specific category and requires authorization from the aviation authority before operation Authorization from the aviation authority before operation. Flights beyond visual range, flights with drones over 25 kg or flights with drones over 4 kg in populated areas are permitted here.

  • Category Certified

High risk, comparable to conventional manned aircraft

This category is intended for drone operations where the risk involved is comparable to manned aviation. For example, flights over crowds of people with drones over 3 meters in size fall under this category. The regulation of this category is currently still being developed at European level, which is why no permits are issued in these cases.

No-Drone Zones
So-called "no-fly zones" or "no-drone zones" are defined by the state. These are areas in which absolutely no drones are permitted, such as airports and prisons.

Types of drones

  • Quadrocopter

Due to its easy maneuverability, robust construction and the possibility of installing high-resolution cameras, the quadrocopter is one of the most popular multicopter variants - whether for beginners or professional pilots.

In use with us: the quadrocopter DJI Phantom.

  • Hexa- / Octocopter

Compared to the quadrocopters mentioned above, the hexa or octocopters with their 6 or 8 propellers offer better stability. They represent the basic requirement for the use of drones in populated areas.

In use with us: the Octocpter DJI 600. Specially developed for professional aerial photography and industrial applications.

  • Autonomous drones

With autonomous drones, no control is necessary, the drone follows you automatically. For example, such a drone is used for sports photography. The tracking mode is a feature of automatically controlled drones

  • Drones with fixed cameras

Professional drones with built-in cameras offer the full program: In addition to the robust design, the technology of the flying objects is impressive. The camera hangs on a gimbal and the lens swivels on three axes. This effortlessly compensates for rolling movements and jerks - the camera always remains balanced and the image is steady.

At Werbeberg, we create extraordinary images for you that will definitely set you apart from the competition - feel free to contact us!

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