
Tips & tricks for social media

Our 5 tips for social media:

  • Content needs to be relevant, but you shouldn't make it too complex. The content should be short and to the point. Texts that are too long are boring and are not read through as often as short texts. Readers are more attentive if you address them directly. Who is the content intended for (→ target group!), the typical W questions also help here. Who do I want to reach? What do I want to achieve?

  • Variety is key! Images, videos and text. It is best to offer appealing content. Choose the right images with the right colors. With the right videos, you can involve your community well and build proximity.

  • Use hashtags! This allows you to organize your posts thematically. And at the same time, you can spread your posts and reach many more people. You can use hashtags to make your posts more visible to search engines.

  • Emojis are still the cherry on top. Look for suitable emojis that match your content. This allows your followers to emotionally categorize your post. Semantics is the study of signs and their meanings, i.e. emojis can have different meanings, especially for different individuals. Let's take the smiling emoji as an example, which is interpreted differently by everyone. As this smiley only has a slight smile and no other special facial expressions, it can be interpreted in different ways: It can appear friendly to others, but to others this smiley looks annoyed or creepy. Or the "sad" emoji, for most people it looks sad, but it can also look unfriendly or defiant.

  • Publish your posts at the right time. Find out when most people in your region are consuming social media. This way you can adapt to your community and ensure that they are more likely to see your posts.

What is organic reach?
Organic reach is used in social media marketing to determine the number of users who have seen your post. The term organic reach also excludes the use of paid advertising media. You can increase your organic reach by following the tips listed above.

What are organic posts?
Organic posts are posts that are not sponsored and not paid for. This means they only appear in your followers' feed if they have subscribed to you or a hashtag you have set.

What are inorganic posts?
Inorganic posts are paid posts that are used to advertise on social media. This helps to reach users who are not subscribed to you. Inorganic posts are a good way to reach new customers.

Which social media platforms should I use?
Definitely the four classics Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter. You can also post on Tik Tok, Snapchat and Pinterest. Depending on what you want to post, it also depends on the platform. If you are posting videos, YouTube and Tik Tok are more suitable; if you are posting pictures, Instagram is best. On Twitter you mostly post short text passages and on Facebook you can post anything.

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