With micro-influencers, the whole thing works in such a way that the fewer followers the influencer has, the more engagement they can achieve. The size of their subscriber count is between 5,000 and 100,000 followers.
Why these smaller accounts can achieve so much more engagement is because they stand out with their high authenticity and through the Trust of their loyal, committed community characterized. As social media users become increasingly aware of influencers and their purpose as a paid advertising tool, distrust in larger influencers is growing.
You can also think of it like this:
As long as an influencer has a manageable community, the connection to followers is much stronger. The influencer is perceived as a "normal" person who is authentic like you and me. However, as soon as an influencer has more followers (macro & mega influencers), communication is no longer as easy. In many cases, these larger influencers are even dependent on their success on social media and often earn their living there. This is often the reason why they are often accused of "selling themselves". And are therefore no longer as authentic.
Micro, macro, mega?
The type of influencer depends on one factor: the number of followers. Accordingly, the influence of an influencer. They are divided into four categories:
Nano-influencers: approx. 1,000 - 5,000 followers
Micro-influencers: approx. 5,000 - 100,000 followers
Macro-influencers: approx. 100,000 - 1,000,000 followers
Mega-influencer: approx. 1,000,000 + followers
However, relying on the number of followers alone is not very effective. This is because they are easy to manipulate. Other key figures should therefore also be taken into account:
Engagement rate
Larger accounts generally have lower engagement. This is because the scatter loss is simply higher here. The probability of inactive users among the followers is higher.
A high engagement rate shows that the content is relevant for a community. You can often identify with these small influencers yourself. So when it comes to building trust, micro & nano influencers have the edge.
Reach / impressions
If you compare large, well-known accounts with smaller ones, it is clear that the big ones reach millions of followers. It would take hundreds to thousands of nano or macro influencers to achieve a comparable rate. So when it comes to increasing brand awareness, macro or mega influencers are a much better choice.
Reasons for micro influencers
Consumers have been proven to trust their recommendations more than the recommendations of macro-influencers and celebrities, but also more than those of unknown people.
Collaborations are much cheaper than with larger influencers and are largely based on free products.
They are considered experts in their community of interest and usually address a specific niche target group, although they themselves are part of this target group.
Their proximity to the community makes them target group experts, which creates new opportunities to further develop the brand.
Micro-influencers attach great importance to producing content with quality and regularity in a highly creative manner.
Macro-influencers now sound as if they are the better choice. But the reality is rarely just black or white. Consider which type of influencer is better suited to your goals. Influencer marketing definitely has great potential and should no longer be underestimated these days. If you want to find out more about influencer marketing, please visit this Article!
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