What the Reason for buying an advertised product is called the "Reason Why".
This is understood to be the justification for an advertising statement or the Proof for a made Value proposition. It brings the reason for buying to the fore.
How a "Reason Why" becomes credible
Product features, such as "Only natural ingredients" or "No plastic"
Test reports
Customer reviews / testimonials
Many companies that sell products or services now have an online store. However, products are scattered across the Internet like sand on the sea and it is becoming increasingly difficult to find customers among all the competition.
In order to stand out, you need a good "Reason Why". Because it is the justification for the advertising message and becomes increasingly important the greater the desire for a product.
What is the difference to the USP?
the "Unique Selling Proposition" is very similar to the "Reason Why".
But the difference is that the USP is the Characteristicthat makes a product stand out from the rest of the crowd. The "Reason Why" evokes emotions and conveys a feeling that you absolutely need the product.
The consumer benefit
Or also: Consumer benefit.
Similar to the "Reason Why", it describes the consumer benefit.
How do you know which points promise a particular benefit for consumers? From the target group analysis.
More precisely, from the psychographic characteristics of this analysis.
What does the customer want? What motivates him or her? What is important to him or her?
Emphasizing this specific customer benefit becomes necessary when the normal benefits of a product are comparable to those of many other competing products.
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