Work with meaningful subheadings
Sometimes readers are not explicitly bored by the text - but they are overwhelmed by the mass of content and cannot bring themselves to read every word. It therefore makes sense to divide content into shorter sections. This way, the text is clear at first glance and valuable content is not lost.
Subheadings not only help to provide a better overview of the text, but also make relevant passages recognizable to the reader. This allows readers to search for specific information without having to trawl through endless text. Even shorter articles, such as ours, are therefore usually enriched with subheadings.
Explain with stories and the familiar
Complex content and events that are difficult to imagine are particularly hard on the reader's attention span. Creating texts in the form of gripping stories or everyday narratives is therefore very important when writing an article. Readers can absorb the content more easily and visualize the circumstances better. The essential information is not only easier to remember, but is also more likely to be retold if it contains funny, interesting or even shocking facts.
Avoid complicated technical language
Unless you are in the B2B sector, you will probably be writing for laypeople in your industry 95% of the time. This does not mean that the readers are not familiar with the subject matter, but purely that there is no in-depth specialist knowledge. Excessive use of technical terms is therefore usually out of place. Information that is conveyed in spoken language is not only easier to understand at first, but is also more likely to be remembered for longer.
Use images and graphics
This point ties in with the first tip on subheadings. Not only does dividing the text into several short passages help readers to keep track, but also the use of visual content. In addition to better structuring the content, visual aids can usually even make it easier to convey stories and complex information to readers. What's more, visual content is more likely to be remembered than textual information anyway. Images and graphics should therefore not be underestimated and require just as much attention as the selection of the title or the structuring of the content.
Offer something useful
If moderately interesting content has only been published because the editorial plan has specified a new article, this is neither exciting for the editors nor for the readers. However, if additional added value can be offered by providing further information on a particular product, shocking statistics or the latest trends, the content is not only more likely to be read from cover to cover, but also more likely to be remembered. Before writing a text, you should therefore always consider your target group. Who is my readership? What interests them? And how can I amaze them?
Less is more
The longer the text looks, the less motivated we are to read it. BUT if the content is easy to read, is written fluently and gets straight to the point, we usually don't perceive the content as being that long. It is important to find a good balance between an appropriate text length and clear information transfer. Especially with the increasing use of mobile devices, information must be presented in a short but comprehensible way. Minimal scrolling and a fast reading experience are therefore becoming increasingly important.
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