The placement of outdoor advertising plays an essential role and should therefore be well thought out. It is important to choose a location where as many people as possible pass by and where the advertising is clearly visible. The height at which the advertising material is placed is also crucial and should be taken into account.
Once a location has been found, the next step is implementation. Which format is suitable for the chosen location? If potential customers drive past by car, then the poster or sign should be kept simple and the font should be large and concise. However, if our sign is located in a pedestrian zone or similar, it is possible to invite people to interact, for example with the help of a QR code.
As a rule, the message of advertising should be recognizable at first glance, easy to understand and easy to remember, which of course makes sense especially where there is no time to take a closer look or think about it. But rules are there to be broken. With a good idea, you can also deliberately create confusion and use this to arouse people's curiosity.
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